Thursday, August 9, 2007

Flash 9 fullscreen mode and transparent movie

A long time not writing, hyh ...
Tough times ;)

Anyway, the last couple of hours I struggled with the problem: "allowFullScreen"=>"true" to enable full screen video playing in one of the latest projects I had. When I use the original generated code from the "Publish" in flash I have no problems. But when I tried with SWFObject I ran into trouble.

The full screen mode did not work... at all ... I examined the generated code (using FireBug and IE DevToolBar - developer's right hand tools) and it seemed quite OK! The parameter was there. But the flash player did not want to go full-screen.

After having a short break and coming back to the problem I noticed that I am also using the "wmode"=>"transparent" for the target movie. Commented it - just to try. Guess what - hola! The movie is again working as expected.

The problem - FullScreenMode is INCOPATABLE with TRANSPARENT movie - what the ?

Looking over this post, it seemed that: Adobe says: "...Full-screen mode was not originally supported if the wmode is opaque or transparent windowless, but it is now supported starting with the latest Flash Player 9 Update...", but I have the 9.0.45 and it still got the problem ...

A friend of mine told me "why would you need transparent along with full screen?". Well, another "great feature" of the FLASH object is that it keeps itself ALWAYS ON TOP of the page, regardless the "z-index" of your other objects. Unless it is set to "transparent".


Anonymous said...

it works with version 9,0,115,0

Anton Staykov said...

10x, may be it's some update to the player.

Anonymous said...

Setting the wmode to "opaque" will also allow it to display below other elements (such as HTML).

Unknown said...

"opaque" sets flash on top of other elements - not below. This works in the same way as transparent for most needs, I believe it also is kinder on the cpu

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