Monday, January 21, 2008

PHP and .NET

Hm, recently I came to a strange site:
It's an enthusiastic project to make PHP compiler for .NET and to make possible write PHP applications in the .NET environment and ASP.NET 2.0. It is still in BETA stage, but they already have Project templates for VS2005 SP1.

I shall investigate and make further posts about this one ;)


Martin Kulov said...

How about this:

"The IIS Team is eager to announce the official release of Microsoft FastCGI Extension for IIS 6.0 as a free download. For the first time, we are providing hosters and PHP developers full support for a stack of technology that enables reliable, scalable PHP hosting on production Internet Information Services 6.0 (IIS 6) Web servers."

Anton Staykov said...

Nice ;)
But what "PHP on .NET platform" is, is that you can code the PHP pages right in the VS2005 and compile them into .NET assembly (I guess? As I said I should check this out more deeply and write back).

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