Thursday, March 24, 2011


Looking back in 2010 when I was a technical evangelist for Infragistics I can’t say that I regret for anything. Evangelism is not a job. Evangelism is belief! That’s my honest opinion. I was evangelist before I stepped officially into that role, and I continue to be evangelist now. I’m inspired by a presentation from Guy Kawasaki (The Art of the Start – a great session by the way, worth watching the full presentation!), where he states something like “You don’t hire evangelists, they find you”. You can read more of his great posts on his blog.

So, back to the subject, one of the projects I was involved in 2010 was the new MyWorldMaps reporting site. We went through a lot of changes during technical implementantion, but in the end it became a really neat Silverlight 4 application, that uses MVVM, Azure (my passion) and of course the amazing DataVisualistion suite from Infragistics.  I can only be proud to have been part of it. And now I see it is so liked by the original requester Brian Hitney from Microsoft.

I formed maybe the toughest part of it – Distribution Stats. It is based on the Motion Framework (officially announced here), which on the other hand is a result of hard working DataVisualization team. This type of statistics shows you multidimensional data. How many is multi? 4! Yes, four dimensions! X-axis will show you cumulative hits for given browser/region. The Y-axis shows you percentage each item occupy based on the total hits cumulated. Third dimension is obvious – time (data changes over time). And finally change in size of a bubble represents relative change of hits for given time point over the previous.  It is so great to see that it finally went LIVE. Good work all, and thanks Infragistics!

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